Back in March of 1968, Hugh Hastings, who is the club's founder started to practice Shotokai Karate with a group of friends in Prestwick. This was a town in the district of Kyle, at that time, in the west coast of Scotland. After a great deal of deliberation they called the club "Kyle" after the district rather than the town, and it has remained Kyle Karate Club ever since. We practice and teach traditional karate based on Shotokai as developed by the late Sensei Mitsusuke Harada who was awarded his 5th Dan Black Belt by the great karate master Gichin Funakoshi. Over the years since that first session, we have practised in many venues throughout the area but have always insisted that Kyle Karate Club would be a non-profit making organisation and that we would always practice Shotokai karate.
Wikipedia definition of Shotokai Karate is: "Shotokai Karate differs much from Shotokan (the most widespread Karate) in that it rejects competition altogether , feeling that it compromises Karate itself. Kata are generally the same as other forms of karate, although Shotokai often emphasizes smooth flowing movements rather than the sharp snappy movements of other styles. Kumite (sparring) in some Shotokai clubs is practiced with full strength attacks, and is tightly controlled in terms of who is attacking and defending and the attacks that can be performed in order to reduce the chance of injury."